
Saturday, November 29, 2014

天龙八部之天山童姥 Dragon Chronicles Of Heavenly Mountains

 天山派李秋水(林青霞)爱上掌门师兄逍遥子(廖启智),却不知逍遥子所爱的其实是李秋水的孪生妹妹李沧海(林青霞)。而天山童老乌行云(巩俐)对李沧海亦有超越性别之爱。逍遥子被同门叛徒丁春秋(徐少强)下毒中伤,被迫归隐到飘渺峰,设下“玲珑棋局”等来本性善良、佛性极深的有缘人虚竹(林文龙),将百年功力悉数相传,以期代他清理门户。 为夺少林宝物,丁春秋率阿紫(张敏)、诱动连手的李秋水等人欲血洗少林,得到了逍遥子毕生功力的虚竹在巫行云的帮助下临危受命,与丁春秋展开了回合大战。

1 comment:

  1. Another HongKong make ancient Chinese kung fu movies, if you are looking to see something unique, different, than is ok to watch, but dont expect anything...seems to me , the script is weak, ( the original novel was great )...try to put too much in a short time , kind of confusing......see it yourself, you may like it just for entertaining seek..
